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How Good Housekeeping Helps Keep Your Home Safe

Do you often clean your home, or is it a normal occurrence for you or your family to leave clutter and other broken items lying around? When was the last time you did a general cleaning in and around your home?

It has been said that there is a direct correlation between how well maintained a property or home is, and how well it is secured. Broken things and clutter is often an indication of how unimportant safety and security is to that household. Conversely, a well maintained property or home can be seen as a safe and secure home.

Good housekeeping is an important part of ensuring that your home is always safe and secure. Here are some quick and easy things you can do to keep your home and the people you love safe at all times.

  • Avoid storing boxes and other materials outdoors. If possible, always keep this inside your garage. If you need to keep things in the garden, the yard or anywhere outside the house, be sure that it is neatly stacked ad organized.
  • If there are any broken windows, locks, doorknobs and loose door hinges, fix these immediately. These make your property an attractive target for burglars, as these make for easy entry points.
  • Proper lighting ensures that there is nowhere for an intruder to hide and prey on you. Get your broken light bulbs changed or damaged cables replaced. Walk around your property at night to determine which areas need extra lighting and have lights installed.
  • Get rid of things like old furniture that you no longer use. These attracts burglars like honey to bees. Keep the outdoor areas as clean as possible.
  • Regularly paint your home. This not only increases the attractiveness of your home and gives it a refreshing look, it also removes any graffiti or signs of wear and tear that can be attractive to burglars.
  • Turn landscaping to your advantage. Get rid of or trim bushes or trees that burglars can hide behind of. It may also be a good idea to grow thorny plants around the perimeter of your home - especially under windows and near doors - to help with your home or property security.

Maintaining your home is important not only due to visual or aesthetic purposes, it can also help keep you and your family safe. For more helpful home security tips, visit our website at www.cbssecuritysystems.com!

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